Another failure GARMIN HRM2-ss

Why is it never the battery on a Garmin device ?if the battery lasts over 12 months your stuffed as your warranty has run out and your device has failed ?? ring any bells please do tell ??

My FR70 watch needed a new battery a guess what IT NEVER worked again, how hard is it to change a battery ?

So my 2nd HRM2-ss strap and it’s been playing up, seems if you tap it, it picks up a signal then drops.

The fix / cure I visit Decathlon that sell this GEONAUTE ANT+/Bluetooth Smart HRM or even better wear your old strap and test the unit itself as they sell the unit for £15 ideal if you don’t need a replacement strap !! search for heart smart LINK (it’s in the running section)

Sadly again garmin should be renamed GARBAGE

So your choice £39 at wiggle for a new garmin unit for decathlon for £15 ???

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